Just link up your favorite pot Luck dish using the thumb nail linky. You can use the photo of the dish or your widget. That's it. We all can visit and try a new one over the weekend. Then report back to tell how you liked it. I hope you will join in on this "Thursday's The PotLuck Club".
It is something new I am excited about. Now that summer is here, who wants to stay in the kitchen? Potluck are about to start with Summer coming. Trying new dishes now to Wow the folks when those pot lucks come. They can be crock pots, oven or overnight ones. Just one dish meals to make it easy. Pull out those favorites and Link them up to share.
We have a few from last week try them out. Link up yours this week, after a few weeks of linking up ( When I know folks are interested) I well put a Link to all on the side bar or top bar, to make it easier to view the recipes.
What a great idea!!