Saturday, December 19, 2009

Weekend Kitchen Gadget- The Stamps

Cookie Stamps.

I like these, they are so pretty. The one in the middle is a Goebel from Germany. It is called "Sweet Treats" Its little girl can come off, Leaving the bell to stamp with.
Mr Snowman is of course a favorite and the tree has a lot of character.
Here are the stamp parts. The middle on has the Goebel Bee. All the other one are as you can see the figures images.

So some gadgets are meant to stay out on display. The Shortbread cookies this week were made using these Stamps.


  1. I'm not much of a baker, so these stamps are perfect for me to use on pre-made sugar cookie dough. Thanks!

  2. Very nice stamps. I am just now getting over my cookie baking phobia and might just have to pick up some of these!


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