Have you wanted to make pizza dough but find it too time consuming ? This is the Easiest pizza dough to make.
Deep Dish Pizza Style Dough.
1. Put two packages of yeast in a 2 cup glass container with 1/2 cup of warm water around 110 degrees Fahrenheit and 2 teaspoon sugar. Stir and set on top of the stove in the back by the vents.. Let the yeast rise, this take about 5 minutes. You want to make sure the yeast is active, it should be rising in the glass container.
2. Heat oven to 150 degrees and when it reaches it turn it off. By the time the oven is up to the temperature the yeast will be ready.
3. Put 4 cups of White Whole Wheat flour in the Kitchen Aid large bowl. Add 1 teaspoon fine sea salt. stir together with a whisk ( this is called poor man sifting). make a well in center. Pour 1/4 cup of Olive oil and 1 cup of warm (110 F) water. and the prepared yeast mixture. Attach the bowl to the Kitchen Aid base and put the dough hook on . Turn on setting 2. let mix and knead for 6 minutes. (That is all you need to do, no stirring or scraping on your part. Just let the machine do all the work.)
Remove dough from Bowl and place in a lightly oiled oven proof large bowl. Cover with a dish towel and put in the warmed oven ( make sure it has been turned off for at least 6 minutes). let rise about 45 minutes. You want it to rise about double the size you put in. I found 35 to 45 minutes was all I needed.
Take it out of oven and turn oven on to 450 degrees Fahrenheit. if you have a pizza stone put it in while the oven is heating.
while oven is heating, Turn dough out on a floured surface and roll out into a 17 inch circle , you can use a little flour if need to keep the rolling pin from sticking.
place a little cornmeal in the bottom a deep dish pizza pan. place the dough in the pan and press the dough against the sides.
Let it sit for 30 minutes. ( this will make for a wonderful crust.). Now put in preheated oven (on the stone if you had one) and cook for 25 minutes. Let cool a little and cut into slices. enjoy.
copyright 2014 by "Auntie E Cookbook/M Dubros"
Now there are several ways you can use this. recipes:
For a thin crust. it will make two 12 inch. preheat oven to 500 Fahrenheit and cook on preheated pizza stone for 10 to15 minutes. Be sure to put your favorite sauce and topping on it before you cook it.