We are back......Yes after a break over the holidays, it is time again for the Thursday's the PotLuck Club. If you are new to this club, this is how it works. On Thursday you post a dish that you love to make for the family gatherings. It can be just for the Sunday crew or a pot luck function.
We like the easy ones the best. Crock pots are great, even the night before-day of ovens ones are great. I have been thinking about some that are freeze and cook later ones. Anything that is easy to do and a time saver are truly the desired ones. In these days of multitasking, we all need to be able to do things fast and still impress our family and friends. Now once you have posted your recipe on your site, Link the recipe Html address to the link below. You can use a photo of the recipe or your widget. The great thing about this is there will be a category just for the Thursday PotLuck dishes. Once you have posted the recipe link, add my Thursday PotLuck Club icon to your sidebar. If you click and copy the HTML it will be link back to my Kitchen blog. It must link back to this sight. Now let's began this year 2011 with some winter recipes.
Today's recipe from me ti share will be a chili type spaghetti sauce. It love Coney dogs. I long for that taste again. Most of the time the chili is referred as Cincinnati Chili. Now the difference is chocolate is used in the recipe and there is another secret. I lived in Cincinnati Ohio as a small child. I remember the chili, we use to have it on Spaghetti. So here is a my version of the official recipe.
- 1 pound lean ground beef ( I like to use 90% and above).
- 1/2 teaspoon sea salt
- 1 Tablespoon mild chili powder
- 1 teaspoon each of; cumin,ground allspice, ground *Saigon cinnamon
- 1 teaspoon minced garlic,
- 1 1/2 Tablespoons unsweetened cocoa
- 1 Tablespoon Worcestershire
- 1 Tablespoon cider vinegar
- 1 cup water
2 to 4 Tablespoon of tomato paste
Now this is the secret. Do not brown the beef!
If you can regrind the beef to be very fine. This process with make the beef tender and cook even. you can do this in the processor or a fine grinder attachment for your mixer.
This is how to make it;
Combine the first set of ingredients in to a 3 quart stock pot. Bring to a boil and turn down heat to still have a soft boil. Cover and Continue cooking for about 30 minutes, stirring often, add more water if needed. { You can cook longer for a more intense flavor, however after 30 minutes reduce the heat to a simmer. I would not go longer than two hours, and be sure to add water as need so not to burn the meat.}
Now remove the top add two Tablespoon of tomato paste. stir well til tickened. Continue adding tomato past 1 Tablespoon at a time until the thickness you like.
copyright 2011 by "Auntie E's CookBook/M Dubros"
Serve this over thin Spaghetti, top it with Shredded cheddar cheese and diced onions.
* Saigon cinnamon can be found at Williams Somona.It really does make a difference in the taste
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