Monday, January 20, 2020

Grinding: A Change For the 2020

Grinding is  a post of just changing things up.  A Metaphor for turning coffee beans into dust.

Changes are in store for the New Decade. The one thing this household is dealing with is High Blood  and High Glucose levels. Fat liver decease and thyroid issues. These health issues demand a change in our food intake.

Interesting thing, Fat in the diet is actually good. You would have thought that!  For Decades we have been told to eat Low Fat, did not eat certain foods and to use sweeteners to avoid Sugars. Now we have research that show the opposite. Some Fats are needed for control of Health issues. Sweeteners are not good for our bodies. Can contribute to IBS. It appears that the Drug industries have sold us into their drugs to control our health  problems. The problem with that is they are just band-aids and not solutions to the problem.

I am a Naturalist . Do not like taking Drugs just for the side effects or to control what can be controlled by a life change. The one thing I do know is that if a lifestyle change does not correct the health issue then One should look into another way. Be it a drug or surgery.

Now this year we are concentrating on a healthy food change. Have already manage to get the Blood glucose and High Blood pressure down. We have changed our lifestyle food choices. Have added some supplements to our daily routines. Sugar and Table salts are limited. The types of desserts we eat are new.

In this year on this blog you  will see a change in the recipes. There will be a little more knowledge shared. If you want to see how this is affecting our life you can visit "Auntie E's Fitness blog ". There we will share more on this subject.

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